FOCUS: “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (Psalm 23: 2)
MEMORY VERSE: “For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.” (Psalm 18: 28)
After speaking of how the Lord makes him to lie down in green pastures, David speaks in our Focal Scripture about how the Lord leads him beside the still waters. After being made to lie down in green pastures, there was movement afterwards, led by the Lord Himself. So, the green pastures did not mark the end of movement. Green pastures did not remove the need for leading and movement. Green pastures were followed by the leading of the Lord beside still waters.
Friend, you will be making the mistake of your life if you imagine that your green pasture is an indication for you to stop moving. Your green pasture does not mean you should stop growing. Your green pasture does not mean you should not rise higher to greater things. Your green pasture is no excuse to become stagnated and start a journey of personal decline. Your green pasture does not mean that the Lord is done leading you. Your green pasture should not make you to need God less.
Notice that the psalmist first made mention of the issue of green pastures, and then followed up with the leading of the Lord beside still waters. That means, after green pastures, there was still the leading of the Lord. No matter how green your pastures have become, allow the Lord to keep leading you. No matter how much you have achieved or attained, let the Lord continue to lead you. Don’t end your walk with Jesus because He helped you.
Has the Lord brought you to your green pastures? Make a commitment to keep growing. Make a commitment to keep being led by Him. Make a commitment to become better than you are currently. Make a commitment to continue to be an improved version of yourself. Make a commitment to make sure that no new day finds you on the same level the past day left you in. Make a commitment to keep moving.
May it never be said that you stopped because you arrived at your green pasture. May it never be said that your green pastures became your highway to stagnation.
- I will not be stopped by my green pastures, in Jesus’ name!