FOCUS: “And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.” (1 Samuel 30: 2)

MEMORY VERSE: “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” (Matthew 13: 25)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the Amalekites took the women and children captives, and went their way. The captives lost the right to determine which way they would go, and it was their captors that led the way and led them in the way they determined. The enemies dictated the pace, and chose the destination of those they had captured. The captives ended in the way they didn’t choose. They were led in directions against their wishes.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: any way that is not the way of the Lord, I decree, you will not walk in it. You will not be moved in the direction which the enemy determined. You will not be moved into the pathway of sickness and affliction. You will not move in the direction that leads to bondage and confinement. You will not move in the way that leads to destiny reduction and extinction. You will not move in the way of destruction.

You will not go the way of your enemies. You will not go in the way of your captors. You will not go in the way of the wicked. You will not go in the direction of destiny limitation. You will not go in the way of losses. You will not go in the way of dryness. You will not go in the way of pain. You will not go in the way of shame and denial. You will not go in the way of rejection. You will not move in a direction that will hasten your own downfall.

Notice that the women and children had become captives, and they had lost their right to decide what direction to move to. They simply followed whatever their enemies demanded for. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not lose your freedom to the extent that you will not be able to freely choose which way to go. You will not suddenly find yourself in a position where people and circumstances would carry you to wherever they wish.

If there be any way of the enemy that you have been carried to, may the Lord lead you out of it and back to where He wants you to be.



  • I will not be led in the path of the enemy, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals


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Daily Devotional by Jerry Eze