FOCUS: “9. So David went, he and the six hundred men that were with him, and came to the brook Besor, where those that were left behind stayed. 10. But David pursued, he and four hundred men: for two hundred abode behind, which were so faint that they could not go over the brook Besor.” (1 Samuel 30: 9-10)

MEMORY VERSE: “Work hard, and you will be a leader; be lazy, and you will end up a slave.” (Proverbs 12: 24 CEV)

Our Focal Scripture highlights the dichotomy amongst the men who followed David. Two hundred men got to the Brook Besor, and were too tired to continue, but there were four hundred men who dared to continue, and by whose hands David recovered all that was lost. Some men gave up because of the much they had done, but some continued because of what was yet to be achieved. The former were average men; the latter were excellent men. David had the gift of excellent men.

Friend, an average man will speak of activity but never speak of results. An average person will respond to the voice of his body rather than the voice and strength of his purpose. An average person will pay more attention to the past rather than the future. An average person will recount what has been done but forget what is yet to be done. An average person will be content to pursue without results. An average person will give up easily.

I pray for you: in this season and beyond, may the Lord send you excellent men. May the Lord send you men who will stick to purpose even when the body is tired. May the Lord send you men who will not abandon your mission when it is yet to be achieved. May the Lord send you men whose passion for results will outweigh their emotions. May the Lord send you men who are too committed to give up. Receive the gift of excellent men.

Also realize that you are that man who must become truly excellent. You are that man who must not give up. You are that man who must decide to listen to purpose over and above emotions. You are that man who must focus on what is yet to be achieved, rather than being serenaded for what has been achieved. You are that man who must go beyond activity and seek results. You are that man who must pay attention to the future.

It was the excellent men in David’s camp that followed him and fought until he recovered all. The average men gave up, but excellent men continued. Receive the gift of excellent men. Receive the grace to be an excellent man.



  • I receive the gift of excellent men; I receive grace to become excellent, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Jerry Eze