FOCUS: “Then he asked, “On the Sabbath should we do good deeds or evil deeds? Should we save someone’s life or destroy it?” But no one said a word.” (Mark 3: 4 CEV)
MEMORY VERSE: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6: 9)
In our Focal Scripture, Jesus asked if it was lawful to do good or do evil on the Sabbath day. According to Jesus, the Sabbath day presented two options, namely: doing good and doing evil. Jesus asked if it was best to do good deeds or evil deeds on the Sabbath. By Jesus’ question, it could easily be seen that doing good and doing evil were options that could be explored on the Sabbath. Good and evil deeds were options.
Friend, as you navigate through 2025, you will meet opportunities that present you with the option of doing good or doing evil. You will meet opportunities that present the option of doing what is right or doing what is wrong. You will face the option of saving or destroying. You will face the option of acting positively or negatively. You will face the option of doing what is proper or doing what is not proper. You will face options of good and bad.
When life presents you with the option of doing either good or bad, choose to do good. Choose to save life rather than destroy it. Choose to act positively instead of negatively. Choose to act in faith rather than doubt. Choose to do good rather than evil. Choose to do what will benefit others rather than what will work against others. Be intentional to do good when the opportunity arises. Be intentional to do what is right.
The people who were watching Jesus to see what He would do, were hoping that He would use the Sabbath as an excuse not to do good for the man with the withered hand. They wanted an excuse to suffice for not doing what is right. There will be times when there would even be good excuses not to do what is right, but be intentional to still do right despite the excuses. Do what is right even when there are reasons to do wrong.
Don’t be counted amongst those who choose to do wrong when they could have done right. Don’t be counted amongst those who choose evil instead of good.
- In 2025, I commit to doing what is right, in Jesus’ name!