FOCUS: “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” (Luke 15: 13)
MEMORY VERSE: “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” (2 Corinthians 6: 17)
In our Focal Scripture, mention was made about how the prodigal son wasted his substance on riotous living. In subsequent verses, the elder brother of the prodigal son affirmed that he had devoured his living with harlots. So the prodigal son not only went far from the father; he also went close to people who helped to wreak his destiny. He connected with women of easy virtue. He connected to people who encouraged his foolishness.
Friend, one major wisdom for living is that you may need to run away from every connection that reinforces negativity in you. Disconnect from people who encourage your sinful lifestyle. Disconnect from people who do not allow your destiny to remain on the right path. Disconnect from people who encourage negative lifestyles in you. Disconnect from people who enable your foolishness. Disconnect from fuelers of your weakness.
The prodigal son may have had positive traits from his father, but the moment he connected to harlots, everything went down the drains. Wisdom requires that you gain clarity on those who basically energize the downward descent and disconnect from them. Wisdom requires that you identify the enablers of your destiny reduction and stay disconnected from them. Wisdom requires that you disconnect from destiny exchangers.
Who you will become in a matter of time is down to the identity of those with whom you share strong connections. If you connect to the right people, you would rise; if you connect to the wrong people, you will likely go down the drains. Be intentional to build connections that will take you higher. Build connections that will strengthen your walk with God. Build connections that will position you on higher levels.
Break away from every connection that has capacity to bring you down. Disconnect from everyone whose mission is to reduce and exchange your destiny.
- I break away from every wrong connection, in Jesus’ name!