FOCUS: “8. And he said, Hagar, Sarai’s maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai. 9. And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.” (Genesis 16: 8-9)
MEMORY VERSE: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” (Romans 13: 1)
In our Focal Scripture, Hagar speaks to the Angel of the Lord about how she fled from her mistress. She had despised Sarah, and Sarah dealt with her harshly until she fled. The punishment she received from her mistress made her to disconnect completely and flee into the wilderness. Rather than endure the indignation on account of her bad behavior, she preferred to journey into the wilderness. She disconnected from authority.
Friend, one mistake you must never make in 2025 is to disconnect from authority when you are in error. It’s okay to make mistakes, but do well to remain under the authority of those that can call you to order. Even when you are punished for wrong doing, don’t choose the wilderness instead. Even when you are punished for your errors, don’t make it an occasion for rebellion. There is no wisdom in choosing the wilderness instead of repenting.
The Angel of the Lord ordered Hagar to return to her mistress and be under submission to her. The Angel of the Lord ordered Hagar to return to the same person who disciplined her. In 2025, return to the same person who is able to discipline you. Return to the same places where you can be called to order. Dare to be accountable. Be under submission. Be under leadership. Be accountable to someone. Be intentional to submit to authority.
2025 is not that year when you will refuse to be under authority. This is not that year when you will hate everyone who calls you to order. This is not that year where you will disconnect from those who are courageous enough to see where you are wrong and point same out to you. This is not that year where your ears will be shut against correction. Even if your ‘Sarah’ is harsh, remain under submission.
There is so much that God wants to make out of your life this year, and you are better off under submission. Submit to God, submit to authority, submit to your ‘Sarah’.
- In 2025, I walk in submission, in Jesus’ name!