FOCUS: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)

MEMORY VERSE: “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” (Ephesians 1: 18)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when the psalmist described the Lord as his shepherd. The psalmist had different experiences with God which form the content of different psalms, but in this particular psalm, he speaks of how the Lord is his shepherd, and even went on to say how that shaped his life. The psalmist had a revelation of God as his shepherd. It was not mere information. It was a revelation that shaped his destiny.

Friend, in all your doings, be intentional to walk in revelation. A revelation is not mere information. A revelation is a divine word from God with the energy of the Spirit. When God gives you a revelation of Himself, it comes with the energy of the spirit to cause what is revealed to you to become a reality. When God opens your eyes to see, it is because He is showing you what He has already done which will soon become your reality.

The psalmist in Psalm 23, speaks of several manifestations of the shepherd. What he received by revelation became a template for his destiny. When God reveals Himself to you, He is simply showing you a template for your destiny. If He opened your eyes to see it, it is because you are about to witness it in your life. What is revealed to you has the capacity to come to pass on the energy of the Spirit of God.

I pray for you: may every revelation you have of God become your reality. May every revelation be fulfilled. May whatever God has revealed to you take you in the direction that heaven wants your destiny to move in. May every revelation of heaven to you orchestrate a forward and upward movement in your life. May every revelation of God to you open the doors of the supernatural to you. May your revelation work for you.

Don’t be content to do life without having encounters and revelations of God. Ask that your eyes be opened to see new dimensions of the God you serve.



  • New dimensions of God are revealed to me, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze