FOCUS: “And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.” (Mark 3: 5)

MEMORY VERSE: “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:” (Isaiah 1: 19)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus instructed the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand. That hand was paralyzed and in need of healing, and Jesus commanded that it be stretched forth. Jesus commanded the man to do what he could not do before with that hand. He instructed the man to take an act of faith concerning the same hand that had been paralyzed. The healing of that man was locked in an instruction.

Friend, your new season is locked in an instruction from God that you need to obey. You need to take acts of faith that will unlock the doors of the new. As you seek the hand of God to be stretched in your direction, it is important that you find out what God will have you do so that His mighty works can be made manifest in your life. El Roi has instructions for you to obey. There are acts of faith for you to embark on.

Notice that the man with the withered hand acted in line with the instructions of Jesus, and the hand was restored as the other hand. He took an act of faith, and the result was immediate. As you walk in obedience to divine instructions this year, there will be results in your favour. As you dare to stretch your faith, there will be results. As you dare to do what God will have you do, what you lost will be restored in full.

Pay attention to whatever instruction God is giving you this year. Pay attention to the direction He wants you to take. Pay attention to the leading of the Spirit of God. Pay attention to the acts of faith that God is inspiring you to take. Pay attention to the obedience that God expects from you this year. It may be convenient to pray for certain things to happen, but you just might need to activate the new with your obedience and faith.

Welcome to that season where your obedience will trigger the mighty works of God in your life. Welcome to that season where your act of faith will unveil your new season.



  • In 2025, I walk in obedience to divine instruction, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze