FOCUS: “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,” (Matthew 2: 1)
MEMORY VERSE: “Many nations will help the people of Israel return to the land which the LORD gave them, and there the nations will serve Israel as slaves. Those who once captured Israel will now be captured by Israel, and the people of Israel will rule over those who once oppressed them.” (Isaiah 14: 2 GNB)
Our Focal Scripture makes mention of how Herod reigned over Judah. According to Bible History, the lineage of Herod came from Edom. The family of Herod came from Edom to rule over people in Israel. Notice that God had said concerning Esau (Edom) and Jacob (Israel), that the older (Esau) will serve the younger (see Genesis 25 vs. 23). Several years later, the children of Israel became servants and subjects under sons of Esau (Edom).
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: whatsoever God has empowered you to rule over, will not turn around and rule over you. Whatsoever the Lord has given to be under your dominion, will not dominate over you. Whatsoever God has put under you will not arise and preside over you. No Herod will reign over you. No wicked man will rule over you. No wicked system will gain control over you. No negativity will gain control over you.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: no sickness will rule over you. No affliction from the enemy will rule over you. No conspiracy of the wicked will rule over you. No negativity that heaven did not author, will rule over you. No plan of the enemy will rule over you. No negative pattern will rule over you. No satanic idea will rule over you. No arrow of the enemy will rule over you. No arrangement from the pit of hell will prevail over you.
Today, I decree that you rule in the midst of your enemies. You rule over the conspiracies of the enemies of your destiny. You rule over the gates of hell. You bear rule over and above the shenanigans of men. You bear rule over the evil plots and plans against you that are yet to materialize. You rule over the policies and timelines of men. You rule over your environment. You rule over everything that the enemy may ever use against you.
Remember, you were not wired to be ruled by what God already empowered you to rule over. You will not be under the subjection of what you should dominate.
- I will not be ruled by what God has empowered me to rule, in Jesus’ name!