FOCUS: “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” (Matthew 1: 20)
MEMORY VERSE: “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30: 21)
Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the Angel of the Lord came to Joseph and spoke to him about taking Mary as his wife. Joseph did not just proceed with his marriage to Mary on the strength of mere ideas or feelings. He was prompted by the Angel of the Lord. He had a divine encounter that provided divine direction. He took that major step on the basis of divine revelation. He proceeded with his plan on the strength of revelation.
Friend, as 2024 makes way for 2025, prioritize divine revelation. Don’t just take steps based on what eyes can see. Don’t just take decisions based on what people said to you. Don’t just make choices based on ephemeral interests. Walk with divine revelation. Let God direct you on your major and even minor decisions. Let divine revelation be your watchword as you navigate through your new season. Walk with revelation.
Joseph had a course of action in mind, but by divine revelation, he aligned with the plan of heaven for himself and Mary. He was about to take a decision that would truncate the will of God, but divine revelation put him back on track. Sometimes, you may have your ideas and they may even seem right to you, but divine revelation will keep you on track so you don’t miss the mark. Divine revelation will keep you from mistakes.
Some decisions may seem like the best in your eyes and in your judgement, until you submit yourself to divine revelation and you realize how you were about to truncate your own destiny. Some ideas will seem productive until you submit same to divine scrutiny and your eyes are opened to see what you never saw initially. Even when you think you know what is best, still be wise enough to enquire of the Lord and seek His will.
Remember, divine revelation distinguished Joseph in his journey. Walk in revelation. Don’t let the wisdom of men rob you of the wisdom of God.
- I walk in divine revelation, in Jesus’ name!