FOCUS: “And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt?” (Luke 19: 33)
MEMORY VERSE: “10. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2: 10-11)
Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Jesus’ disciples encountered the owners of the colt as they were loosing the colt. The word ‘owners’ as used in that scripture comes from the Greek word ‘kurios’, which is interpreted to mean ‘Lords’ or ‘Master’. So there were lords that watched over the colt to ensure it remained tied. Notice that when the disciples of Jesus told them that the LORD had need of the colt, they let go. There were lower lords, but the higher Lord had the final say in the matter.
Friend, there may be lower lords in this life who are standing around, acting like you won’t breathe except they let you breathe. There may be lords who have given their negative verdict in the field of medicine to the effect that your case is irredeemably complicated. There may be lords in the workplace who have decided that you won’t rise. There may be lords in the market place and even on thrones who believe that your life is in their hands.
When the lords of this life give their verdict, always remember that the Lord of Lords still has the final say. When the lords of this world tie you to whatever level they believe you deserve to be in, remind yourself that the Lord of Lords has what it takes to give the order for you to be untied. Every report of the lords of this world concerning you will bow to the report of the Lord. Their reports will not stop the verdict of the Lord of Lords.
Go and announce to the lords of this life, that there is a Lord above them whose verdict will overturn every verdict on earth that is not in your favour. Go and announce to the lords of this world that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has ruled in your favour. When the report of the lords of this world are unfavourable, remember to believe the report of the Lord of Lords. No one has the final say except the Lord of Lords.
Welcome to that season where the reports of the lords of this life will bow to the verdict of the Lord of Lords.
- The Lord of Lords has ruled in my favour; every negative verdict of lords will bow, in Jesus’ name!