FOCUS: “And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.” (Acts 16: 26)

MEMORY VERSE: “For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.” (Psalm 107: 16)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when there was a great earthquake following the prayers and praises of Paul and Silas. That earthquake was heaven’s response to the prayers and praises of Paul and Silas; and when it came, it shook the foundations of the prison. Paul and Silas prayed, and heaven came for the foundation of the prison where they were locked up. The foundation of the negativity that surrounded Paul and Silas was broken.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every satanic foundation that the enemy has positioned against you, let the earthquake of heaven arise and scatter it. Every foundation of negativity the enemy has erected against you, I decree, it will not stand. Every foundation energizing the plans of the enemy against you, let fire scatter it. Let the foundations of your challenges be broken. Let the foundation of your struggles be broken.

Today, I pray for you: let every foundation of wickedness against you be broken. Let every foundation of generational sicknesses be broken. Let every foundation of rising and falling be broken. Let every foundation of satanic patterns be broken. Let every foundation of satanic works in your life be broken. Let every foundation of destiny stagnation be broken. Let every foundation of wicked works against you be broken.

Jesus did not redeem you so that satanic foundations can remain. Jesus did not redeem you so that the enemy can have a platform to torment your life further. Jesus redeemed you so that hell will have no more hold on you. If it is not of God, then it is a candidate for a major shaking. If it has lingered longer than it ordinarily should, then it requires a shaking that will unsettle the settings of the enemy instantly.

The season of operating with satanic foundations, is over. Ask the Lord to shake every foundation of negativity. Ask the Lord to shake off every satanic works.



  • Every foundation of negativity is shaken and broken into pieces, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze