FOCUS: “Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.” (Matthew 1: 19)

MEMORY VERSE: “A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.” (Proverbs 11: 13)

When Joseph found that Mary was with child, he being a just man was not willing to make her a public example, so he chose to put her away privately. Joseph was not about to announce the perceived wrongdoing of Mary publicly. He was not about to let everyone know that Mary had become pregnant ‘out of wedlock’. Joseph was not yet aware of how Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit, but he was unwilling to make a public show.

Friend, don’t advertise negativity. Don’t be that talebearer that causes everyone to know about every wrong thing that happens around you. Don’t be a talebearer of negativity and negative information. Don’t be counted amongst them that amplify the sound of negativity. Don’t advertise what is wrong. Don’t push negative matters that should have ended silently into the limelight. Don’t be an advertiser of negativity.

Everything you know is not for public consumption. There is wisdom in keeping your mouth shut about some of the things you know. If it does not concern them, don’t tell them. Make your matters a little more private. Sometimes, you may not even have the full picture of what the issues are, and the decent thing would be to keep your mouth shut. It doesn’t do you any good if everyone sees you as never being able to keep a secret.

Notice that in the process of time, the Angel of the Lord caused Joseph to have clarity in the matter of Mary’s pregnancy. Just imagine the embarrassment that Joseph would have faced if he needed to reverse himself publicly after publicly shaming Mary. Did you know that the negativity you advertise today could embarrass you tomorrow? Did you know that the same negativity you speak about today may be used against you tomorrow?

Don’t be a talebearer that reveals what should be under lock and key. Don’t be an advertiser of negativity.



  • I refuse to be a talebearer of negativity, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze