FOCUS: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)
MEMORY VERSE: “There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.” (Joshua 21: 45)
In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist declared that the Lord is his shepherd, and that he shall not want. The word ‘want’ as used in that scripture, comes from a Hebrew word ‘chacer’ (pronounced khaw-sare). Another meaning of ‘chacer’ is ‘to fail’. So, the psalmist inferred that because the Lord is his shepherd, he will not fail. He inferred that because the Lord is his shepherd, failure will not be part of his experience.
Friend, I pray for you: you will not fail. You will not know failure. As you embark on projects, you will not fail. As you make attempts to succeed, you will not fail. As you make attempts to rise higher and become greater, you will not fail. Your career will not fail. Your business will not fail. Your ministry will not fail. Your family will not fail. Your marriage will not fail. Your efforts will not fail. Your journey to the top will not fail. You will not fail.
Every snare of failure that the enemy has laid for you, I decree, it will not stand. Every voice of the enemy that is proclaiming failure to your efforts, I decree, it will not prevail. Even if everyone around you or ahead of you has failed, you will not fail. Even if you failed before, you will not fail again. Every chapter of failure is making way for success. Wherever you once failed, you will succeed. Wherever you lost, you will not fail again if you get there.
By the help of God, you will not fail. Every journey of failure has turned around to become a journey of success. Whatsoever you touch will prosper. Whatsoever you touch will turn to gold. Whatsoever you touch will make news for the right reasons. Whatsoever you touch will end in praise and in success. It will never be said that you tried but failed. It will never be said that your efforts ended in failure. You will never be a failure.
Welcome to that season where failure has been expunged from your destiny. Welcome to your season a great success.
- Because the Lord is my shepherd, I will not fail, in Jesus’ name!