FOCUS: “And they that were sent went their way, and found even as he had said unto them.” (Luke 19: 32)
MEMORY VERSE: “Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.” (Psalm 109: 13)
After Jesus sent two disciples to go and fetch the colt, they that were sent went for the colt. It was not enough that Jesus sent them. They also needed to move in the direction of the assignment they were sent to fulfill. Their mandate to go and fetch the colt was followed by movement. They didn’t sit back idling away because Jesus had sent them. They rose to the occasion and made movements in line with what they were sent to do.
Friend, concerning that assignment that heaven has bestowed on you, where are you in the journey? Are you simply rejoicing that you have been sent or you have begun the journey of fulfilling your mandate? Are you merely excited to have an assignment or are you working consciously and deliberately to fulfill it? Have you made any movements yet concerning that which you have been asked to do? Where are you in your destiny mandate?
It’s time to arise and chase after your destiny mandate. It’s time to arise and pursue the goals that you have set for yourself. It’s time to get serious with the assignment that heaven has put on your life. It’s time to take your journey to your accomplishments more seriously. It’s time to make your assignment a major priority. It’s time to leave your comfort zone in order to hit the goals that heaven already predestined you for.
The distinction for those two disciples did not lie in the fact that they were instructed to fetch the colt. Their distinction came from the fact that they arose and went to fulfill the assignment they were given. Their names were not even mentioned, but they fulfilled their mandate. When the chips are down, it matters more that you fulfill your mandate rather than have your name mentioned and recognized.
Don’t be counted amongst them that got an assignment from the Lord but did absolutely nothing about it. Get set to push towards your goals. Get set to chase after the assignment that is placed before you. Get set to fulfill heaven’s agenda for your life.
- I arise in the place of my mandate, in Jesus’ name!