FOCUS: “When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:” (Matthew 2: 14)
MEMORY VERSE: “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.” (Proverbs 21: 23)
Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Joseph took his young child and His mother, and fled to Egypt by night. God gave Joseph an instruction to take Jesus and His mother out of the reach of Herod, and he did it in the cover of the night. He didn’t announce or advertise his movement. He didn’t wait for when everyone would see him before making the move. Joseph kept his movement to Egypt a secret. He moved when no one would see.
Friend, you may have made all your past ‘movements’ in the ‘day’, but it’s high time you made some movements in the ‘night’. Make some movements unannounced. Execute your plans without announcing them to everyone. Sometimes, your progress should remain a secret. Sometimes, your success should remain under cover. Sometimes, your advancement should remain a puzzle to those around you.
Joseph knew that he was about to become a victim of Herod; he seemed to understand that an attack was waiting for him, and he made his next move without announcing it to anyone. Sometimes, you just might need to understand that what God has put in your hands has made you a target of those who think you are about to unseat them. Sometimes, you need to realize that there are many who want to see you move in the ‘day’ so that they can stop you from reaching your destination.
Stop announcing your every move. Stop publicizing every advancement you make to people around you. Dare to make some moves in the ‘night’ and let the results speak when it is ‘day’. Dare to make some progress undercover and let the progress announce itself when it has become obvious. Dare to grow in secret and allow your growth to show forth at the right time. Dare to be more where eyes cannot see.
Remember, it was God who spoke to Joseph, but he implemented the plan of God in the night when no one could see it. Learn the wisdom of silent movements and silent achievements. Let not all there is to you be seen in the ‘day’.
- I glean the wisdom of silent progress, in Jesus’ name!