FOCUS: “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (Psalm 23: 2)
MEMORY VERSE: “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” (Ephesians 3: 20)
In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist speaks of how the Lord makes him to lie down in green pastures. The psalmist already said that the Lord is his shepherd, and that he shall not want. He spoke like one who had need of nothing. By the next verse, the Lord caused him to lie down in green pasture. Just when the psalmist thought that he had need of nothing, the Lord took him to another level; the Lord unfolded more in the life of the psalmist. The Lord gave the psalmist a more than enough situation.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you are in your season of more than enough. Your opportunities will be more than enough. Your resources will be more than enough. Your help and helpers will be more than enough. Your congratulations will be more than enough. Your celebrations will be more than enough. Your good news will be more than enough. Your open doors will be more than enough. Your rising will be more than enough.
You may think you have arrived at a season where you have all you need, but God is taking you to the next level where you will have in abundance what you once celebrated that you had sufficiency in. God is bringing you to that point where you will break forth on all sides. God is bringing you to that point where your results will exceed your efforts. God is bringing you to that season where your harvest will be more than you planned for.
The season of lack is over. The season of dryness is over. The season of not enough, is over. The season where you will have just enough, is over. May the floodgates of resources be open to you. May the gates of heaven be open to you. May there be an overflow in your direction. May there be a rising of the waters in your spirit man. May there be an increase in what is available to you. May you be brought to that pasture that you will lie on.
Welcome to your season of more than enough. Welcome to that season where you will lie down on your green pastures.
- I move from not enough or just enough to more than enough, in Jesus’ name!