FOCUS: “One day, as we were going to the house of prayer, we encountered a young slave girl who had an evil spirit of divination, the spirit of Python. She had earned great profits for her owners by being a fortune-teller.” (Acts 16: 16 TPT)
MEMORY VERSE: “When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.” (Isaiah 4: 4)
Our Focal Scripture makes mention of how the slave girl who had an evil spirit of divination followed Paul and Silas. That damsel was possessed with the spirit of python. One major strategy of pythons is to try to build a colony. Pythons are often chameleonic and try to take their place in a territory. Pythons are territorial. If care is not taken, a python will literally take over a territory. So, what followed Paul and Silas was a territorial spirit.
Friend, every satanic spirit that wants to bear rule in your territory, I command it to go down by fire. Every python spirit that wants to take control of your territory, I command it to get out by fire. Every satanic stronghold that the enemy is trying to build around you, I command it to scatter by fire. Every part of your territory that the enemy wants to take over and dominate, I decree, it will not stand. You will not lose your territory to the enemy.
By the fire of God, and by the power of God, let every serpentine spirit that has come to dominate your territory be put to flight. Let everything that did not descend from God be put to flight. Let every adversity that the enemy planted around you be put to flight. Let every work of darkness that wants to be established around you be put to flight. Let every negativity that has crawled into your space by smoked out by the fire of God.
The strategy of the python is to wear the colour of your environment, so that it begins to look like your environment, but alas, its mission is to kill and swallow. Hear me as I hear the Lord: whatever the enemy has positioned around you to take the colour of your environment, with the goal of swallowing you and what is yours, I command it to break by fire. Every negativity that wants to stay, I decree, it will not stay around you.
Welcome to that season where the fire of God will put every serpentine spirit to flight. Welcome to that season where negativity will have no space to survive around you.
- No negativity will survive or prevail in my territory, in Jesus’ name!