FOCUS: “And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.” (Matthew 20: 4)

MEMORY VERSE: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” (Ecclesiastes 9: 10)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the householder engaged more men to get into the vineyard. He had already hired men to get to work in the vineyard, and about the third hour, he needed to hire more men to get the work done. So, the men who had been hired were not able to get the work done and needed more men to be added to them. They seemed unable to finish the work. They worked in a way that more men were needed.

Friend, as you work, don’t work in such a way that others will be needed to finish the work. Don’t serve in such a way that others will be needed to join in the assignment that you have already been given. Don’t serve in a way that leaves much to be desired. Don’t serve in a way that will make men seek your replacement while you are still on your assignment. Don’t work in such a way that the householder will keep seeking men endlessly.

It gets even more embarrassing when one sees that more labourers had to be hired even after hiring the ones who were hired in the third hour. So, men were hired, but it was soon evident that more men were needed to serve since the earliest group of labourers showed no signs of finishing the work. Brace up; double your efforts; put in more work; do what you have to do; do more than you are currently doing; do more.

As you take up any assignment you’ve been called into, make a commitment to work in such a way that no ‘householder’ will need to look for another man to do what you were engaged to do. Work in such a way that your employers or clients will not need a replacement for you. Work in such a way that your excellence won’t need supplementary efforts. Be so good and effective at what you do that there won’t be need for others.

Fulfill your mandate; complete your assignment. Walk in excellence before your mediocrity becomes an opportunity for another man.



  • I choose excellence over mediocrity; I will complete my assignment, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze