FOCUS: “One day, as we were going to the house of prayer, we encountered a young slave girl who had an evil spirit of divination, the spirit of Python. She had earned great profits for her owners by being a fortune-teller.” (Acts 16: 16 TPT)

MEMORY VERSE: “But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” (Job 32: 8)

Our Focal Scripture speaks yet again about that young girl who was possessed with the spirit of divination, also known as the spirit of python. That girl operated with the python spirit. One strategy of the python is to constrict its victim to the extent of asphyxiation. Pythons use their entire length to wrap round a victim until the victim is suffocated and can no longer fight. It works by causing a victim to lose breath before it strikes.

Friend, whenever the enemy is trying to constrict you to the extent of making you lose the breath of God in you, he is simply preparing you for destruction. Every constriction of your spirit man is a preparation for consumption by the python. Every time the enemy causes you to be all form without breath, he is preparing you for your downfall and extinction. Whenever you realize that you are losing your breath in God, you are losing life.

When God made man, He breathed into man, and man became a living soul (see Genesis 2 vs. 7). The breath of God in man was what made the life of God to begin to exist in man. In the same vein, death in man happens when the breath of God departs from man. If you allow the enemy to make you lose the breath of God in you, you just might be on your way to spiritual death and decline. If you can no longer inhale and exhale God, you are losing it.

Prioritize inhaling and exhaling the breath of God. Make it a priority to soak in as much of God as you possibly can. Make it a priority the maintain close communion with God. Prioritize your intimacy with God. Never let a day pass without sufficiently inhaling and exhaling the breath of God. Do not make the mistake of losing the breath of God in your inner man. Do not make the mistake of losing the breath of God in your spirit.

If it is beginning to choke your inner man, and if it is beginning to compete with the breath of God in you, then it is a messenger working for your extinction. Don’t let the spirit of the enemy to asphyxiate you. Don’t let the enemy constrict and suffocate your destiny.



  • I will not lose the breath of God in me, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze