FOCUS: “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (Psalm 23: 2)

MEMORY VERSE: “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,” (Ephesians 5: 15)

One major reason why the shepherds in bible times ensured that waters were stilled so that sheep can drink, was because of the wooly nature of the sheep. The sheep has a wooly body and would be soaked if it got into waters, and possibly drown. So, the idea of still waters was to give the sheep a chance to drink from the waters without being soaked in the waters. The waters were stilled so that the sheep can drink and walk away.

Friend, there are waters you are meant to drink from but you are not meant to swim in same, or else you would be drowned. There are waters you need to drink carefully without being ‘entangled’ in the waters. There are waters you need to drink from and simply walk away. The same way the sheep was led beside the still waters but not into the still waters, discern the waters you can drink from and pass by without entering in.

As you grow in life, God will bring you to relationships you need to drink from and walk away without being entangled. God will bring you to people who you can only drink from but never be connected to. There are opportunities you will have to explore and take the best out of it without looking like you got into it. There are waters you can drink but must not soak yourself in. There are waters not to be engrossed in.

Be sensitive to discern when the Lord would not have you swim in certain waters. Be sensitive to the waters that are good enough to drink from but not okay to get into. Be sensitive to know the waters that God is only comfortable to lead you by. If God says to drink and move on, please don’t make the mistake of getting into it. If God says to drink and move on, don’t stay back there because you were refreshed by the waters you drank.

Life will always present you with still waters that you may be tempted to swim in, but don’t fall for it. Be content to have God lead you beside still waters, and be discerning enough to know when you must never get in.



  • I discern the still waters that I can drink from but must not get into, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze