FOCUS: “Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.” (Matthew 1: 19)

MEMORY VERSE: “Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.” (1 Corinthians 10: 24 NKJV)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Joseph was a just man and was not willing to publicly embarrass Mary on account of her pregnancy which he did not understand. Different translations would describe Joseph as a good man; some called him a man of integrity; he was a man who did what was right. Joseph had a good reputation amongst the people; he had a good name; he was fair in his judgement; he was a just man.

Friend, in this season, make up your mind to be fair to people; be just to people; approach your dealings with men, with integrity; be that man that is fair to people; be that man that is compassionate towards people; be that man that seeks the good of others; be that man that wants the best for others; be that man that intentionally does what is right before God and man; be that man that stands for what is right; be good to people.

Even when Joseph felt offended by the pregnancy of Mary, which he eventually found to be by the Holy Ghost, he was measured and showed restraint in his response to Mary. He was good to the extent of being kind even to the one who had ‘offended’ him. It may appear that you are right and someone else is wrong; do not use your ‘rightness’ as occasion to trample on those who are wrong. Don’t mix ‘rightness’ with wickedness.

TPT renders our Focal Scripture thus: “…Joseph, was a righteous man full of integrity…”. So, Joseph was not just a good man; he was also a man of integrity. He was the sort of man that could be trusted. In your dealings with men, be intentional to engage them with integrity. Even evil people are seeking men who have integrity to engage with. Even bad people want to be with good men and just men that can be trusted.

Be intentional to choose good over evil in this season and beyond. Be good to people. Be nice to people. Make a choice to consider others with compassion.



  • I choose the good of others; I choose to be good and just, in Jesus’ name!
Categories: Devotionals

Daily Devotional by Pastor Jerry Eze